Press release:
“The field of possibility is a place. Philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty called it the realm of “I can.”
The boundaries fluctuate with the physical abilities of bodies, their knowledge and memories, their emotions. Looking out over this field, imagining what allows for transportation beyond the hills that mark its borders, it seems as though simple, sustained action can go on forever. The walk could just go and go and go and go, feet marking an endless pattern: “Left right left right…” But they don’t.
ltd los angeles is pleased to present Phase Patterns, an exhibition of new paintings and sculptures by Jason Meadows and Jule Korneffel. Korneffel’s paintings inquire into the intersecting gestures of image making and meaning making, using the fundamental as means. They interface with Meadows’ folded aluminum sculptures, investigations embracing difference between painting and sculpture, hung below floating site-specific sculptures, storm clouds brandishing thunderous geometry.
Their current practices share a rigorous formalism loosed through playful subversion of the systems from which they emerge. Art history, mathematics, mythology, the very numerals and characters that al- low for their communication – these are the source materials from which their work begins. Trampolines more than stepping-stones.
An eight turned sideways becomes infinity. Numbers never lie, yet one lies before our eyes, a numeral in a medium blue sea resting on its side. A work of art just stops. Why? Counting the circles on a surface, finding the triangles forming triangles, how many more shapes would make you happy?
Does adding one give or take? Folding aluminum generates picture planes while remaining singular; a wall made of little walls, many planes making one plane. Roaming at the outskirts of intersections, each artist fractures fractals, finding fissures for fun, fomenting formalism, frothed flavors flowing from fingers. Geometric segments of color are topped with confectionary brushstrokes, a delicious highlight of the invisible patchwork of everything. Looking back at the daily trudge of work you see a pattern, patterns hidden in patterns if you look hard enough. What an illusion, this infinity, this spiral of fractals tunneling endlessly. –”